Ourteam HomeGroupTeam Direction President - Managing Director MarcBeaulieu Vice President - Director of Operations DominicGrégoire Management Representative Management Representative MaximeLaverdière Internal Auditor NathalieLachance Accounting CPA VP Finance YvanGrisé Controller ElianeLe Principal Accountant ÉricFougère Account Payable / Account Receivable Accounting Technician SaraPerras Accounting Technician JessicaBergevin Accounting Technician DaphnéDemers Sales Sales director LucCharron Sales representative ClaudeHébert Sales Representative and Development Francois Huneault Sales representative NormanFindlay Service Project Director DominicMoisan Warehouse Supervisor PatrickPelletier Planner MatthieuMacgregor Dispatch Dispatcher - Team Leader RobertSampson Dispatcher SamuelDumas Programmer Technician - Programmer FrédéricLagacé Programmer AlexandreBrosseau Purchasing and Logistics Purchasing and Logistics RenaudJabard Purchasing & Receiving SimonJulien Human Resources Human resources manager EmmanuelleLeduc Business development Business development GéraldDaneau